Become a member

The Swedish Artists’ Association represents ca 3500 professional visual artists, craftspeople and designers in Sweden. Our task is to represent Swedish visual artists in political issues concerning art and artists' financial and social situation. In addition to gaining access to several membership benefits, you become part of the artists' professional organization and get a platform for your artistic work. You can also get involved in our local associations. As a member of The Swedish Artists' Association, you contribute to ameliorating the conditions of art practice and artists. With an organized profession, we can advance our positions and strengthen the social and economic conditions of all artists working in Sweden.

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Membership benefits

Legal advice
by our lawyer Katarina Renman Claesson via phone or mail.

The magazine KONSTNÄREN
a trimestral magazine about art.

Access to templates relating to contract law, tax declaration counselling etc

Subsidised artist insurance
Beneficial artist and studio insurances with low deductibles such as 1.000 SEK.

Subsidised insurance for art students
Beneficial art student insurances with low deductibles such as 1.000 SEK.

Subsidised guest apartment in Stockholm
Members may rent guest rooms at Mosebacke Torg for the price of 400 SEK/night.

Free entrance to several museums worldwide
Through the IAA-card. As a member, you will find a list of museums with free or subsidised entrance fees on the members’ section on our website.

The Carina Ari-atelier in Paris
Every year members can apply for a subsidised stay in the studio in Paris.

Discounts on computers/printers etc
Discounts are available from well-known brands such as Olivetti, OCÉ, Canon, HP, Lexmark, Brother, ASUS.

Discounts on consumables
Toners, paper, etc.

Discounts on artist material and art supplies
As a member, you are entitled to discounts in several stores throughout Sweden; this accounts for cheaper colour, frames, canvases etc.

A monthly digital newsletter

Announcements and opportunities
Compiled information regarding current stipends, commissions, applications, contract award procedures, job openings, public art assignments, residencies, calls for international exhibitions, and courses is available on the members’ section of the website.

Courses and seminars
Further training and continued education are available for all of our members. The field of expertise covered through courses and seminars are vocational topics in the artistic field, issues surrounding contractual agreements and other provisions of the trade, and cultural policies and political state of affairs.

On the members’ section of the website, you will find a list of stores offering a discount to our members. If you don’t remember your login, please contact member support at

Apply for membership

3 juni 2019


Swedish as well as foreign citizens who work in Sweden in a professional capacity as artists (visual artist, craftspeople, designer or part of an equivalent professional group) are eligible for becoming members of The Swedish Artists’ Association, given that they fulfil at least one of the following criteria:
a) have a degree from art college or art university
b) have a documented professional track record in the field of visual and/or design/craft
c) is a student at a Swedish art college or an equivalent art college abroad
d) holds membership in a corresponding artist organization outside Sweden

Read more about the criteria here.

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Application for membership

Read through the criteria that apply before you begin your online application. 

In order for us to handle your application, you must attach certain documents. Upload your documents in the online application form.

Don't forget to enter your name and social security number (or passport number) when sending attachments via email or regular mail.

When the Office has handled your application and approved it, a confirmation letter and a first invoice will be sent to you.

When the first invoice is paid, the registry sends out your membership card that gives access to all member benefits.

Proceed to the application >>

bli medlem maj 2021

Membership fees

Regular fee: 2110 SEK per year

Newly graduated or reduced fee: 1055 SEK per year

Full-time students at a higher art education: 340 SEK / year

A reduced fee is granted in the following cases:

  • for full-time students in the artistic field, (student fee)
  • during the first two working years after the artistic university college degree (fee reduced by 50%)
  • prolonged illness with the presentation of medical certificate (fee reduced by 50%)
  • a member who has reached 70 years and been a member for 20 consecutive years (fee reduced by 50%)
  • cohabitation fee, 2 cohabiting members where one member gets a discount on their fee provided both are full-paying members.

The membership fee is divided into a service fee that is deductible for small business owners (SEK 1227 / year + VAT) and an association fee (SEK 625 / year). The fee can be divided per quarter or paid annually. For students, the entire sum must be paid on one occasion.

Häng med i konstnärspolitiken!

Välkommen att prenumerera på Konstnärernas Riksorganisations konstnärspolitiska nyhetsbrev. Nyhetsbrevet skickas ut cirka 4 gånger per år och ger dig en snabb översikt över aktuella politiska frågor som är viktiga för konstnärskåren. Det riktar sig i första hand till politiker eller tjänstepersoner med ansvar för kulturpolitiken på statlig, regional eller kommunal nivå.

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Är du medlem?

Då får du redan dessa – och många fler nyheter – som del av ditt månatliga medlemsbrev och behöver inte anmäla dig här!