SCW_automating violacein - charlotte werth for maison 0 - photography paul cochrane 2023 copy

Weaving a Sustainable Future: Textile Art and Crafts for Planetary Health

Datum: 4 oktober 2024
Tid: 08:30-11:00

How can textile art and crafts contribute to restoring our planet's health? What role do biodesign and innovative textile practices play in promoting sustainability? Welcome to a seminar about these critical questions, exploring the intersection of textile art, craft, and environmental science.

Through the lens of invited experts in the field, we will investigate how traditional and contemporary textile methods can drive ecological restoration. Our invited speakers will explore how fibers and fabrics can be harnessed to create a sustainable future and promote ecological balance, an engagement with pioneering approaches that blend art, science, and sustainability to address pressing environmental challenges. 

The seminar will include Carole Collet, Professor in Design for Sustainable Futures, Central Saint Martins UAL. More speakers will be announced shortly.

The seminar will be in English and is free of charge, but registration is mandatory. Coffee and sandwiches will be provided.

The seminar is organised by the Artists' Association of Sweden (Konstnärernas Riksorganisation) and the Public Art Agency Sweden (Statens konstråd) as part of Stockholm Craft Week.

Date: Friday 4 October 2024. 8.30-12.00

Venue: Statens Konstråd, Svensksundsvägen 11A, Stockholm

The seminar will be recorded and made available with Swedish subtitles.

Image from Automating Violacein. Charlotte Werth for maison 0. Photography Paul Cochrane 2023.


Carole Collet, photography misha haller
Carole Collet, photography misha haller

Rewilding Textiles: Design for Planetary Health

Professor Carole Collet, Central Saint Martins UAL

The lecture will discuss how creative-driven inquiries in textile making can lead to restoring our planetary health. Positioning the role of craft and design as a catalyst for change, I will present a range of design projects concerned with nurturing our biodiversity, climate and cultural know-how.


Carole Collet is Professor in Design for Sustainable Futures at Central Saint Martins UAL in London where she holds two catalyst roles. She is Director of Maison/0, a platform for regenerative luxury co-developed with the LVMH group to leverage creativity at the service of ecosystem regeneration. She is also founder and co-director of the Living Systems Lab, a research group dedicated to the exploration of living systems thinking as an inquiry into new ecological knowledge for the creative sector.

She is recognised for her leardership in ecological design centered on living systems thinking. She operates across fundamental and applied research, curation and education. She has pioneered the integration of ecological values in the design curriculum over twenty years by founding radical new courses such as MA Textile Futures (2001), MA Biodesign (2019), and MA Regenerative Design (2022). Her own design work has been featured in international exhibitions such as the ICA, the V&A and the Pompidou Centre. She regularly contributes to international conferences and publications on the subjects of living systems design, biodesign, and regenerative futures.

She was awarded a Design For Planet Fellowship at the Design Council UK in 2022.



About registration and cancellation

We offer breakfast with sandwiches, tea or coffee between 08.30 and 09.00. Please arrive on time!

It is free to participate but registration is mandatory and if you cancel later than 5 days before the event or do not show up, a no-show fee of SEK 250 will be charged.

Sign up here!

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